'I usually wait until I have more products to feature before I film a video...but I couldn\'t wait to share these with you. Here are 3 amazing dupes for 3 of my favourite high end products. Most of the links listed in the description box are affiliate links which means I will receive a small commission if you click on the link and make a purchase. Thank you for your support. SHOP ALL FEATURED PRODUCTS HERE: https://shopmyshelf.us/collections/public/34167 SHOP ALL FAVOURITES HERE: https://shopmyshelf.us/public/pamperedwolf DUPES FOR... CHANEL NAIL POLISH (rouge noir) : https://myshlf.us/p-302231 DRUNK ELEPHANT F-BALM: https://myshlf.us/p-302233 CHARLOTTE TILBURY FOUNDATION (3N): https://myshlf.us/p-302202 OTHER PRODUCTS I\'M WEARING EYESHADOW PRIMER https://myshlf.us/p-296923 LIQUID EYESHADOW https://myshlf.us/p-296914 EYESHADOW (Mediterranean) https://myshlf.us/p-296915 EYELINER (Perfect Brown) https://myshlf.us/p-259601 MASCARA https://myshlf.us/p-296938 BLUSH https://myshlf.us/p-296916 BRONZER https://myshlf.us/p-261073 CONCEALER 1 https://myshlf.us/p-296939 CONCEALER 2 https://myshlf.us/p-296940 BROW PEN https://myshlf.us/p-293137 LIP LINER (peach amber) https://myshlf.us/p-302277 LIPSTICK (warm peach) https://myshlf.us/p-302284 UK DISCOUNT CODES Exclusions apply LOOK FANTASTIC 20% Discount USE CODE - LFTFPAMPEREDW BEAUTY PIE use code GEMMASENTME for £10 off your first payment. TOP SKINCARE USED REGULARLY DERMATICA AZELAIC ACID 20% https://dermati.ca/xtr Input code WOLFAZA to get 10% off DERMATICA - All new patients will receive their first month’s personalised treatment free. Use code WOLF10 for an extra 10% off your second month. Visit the links below to start your skincare journey. UK https://dermati.ca/e5j US https://dermati.ca/j06 * DISCLAIMER - I am a qualified Aesthetician but no longer practice in a clinic or a salon as my full-time job is now Youtube. I AM NOT A QUALIFIED MAKE-UP ARTIST. Although I have an in depth knowledge about the skin, and do extensive research before filming to check facts, the opinions expressed in this video are my own. BUSINESS ENQUIRIES ONLY - [email protected]'
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